
The single cell consortium was formed in response to the ambitions of the Human Cell Atlas, and comprises of leading researchers from Australian Universities and Medical Research Institutes. The members of this consortium formed to coalesce our skills and experience in biology, technology, and computational sciences and bioinformatics.

Ultimately all disease involves cells - whether they go rogue (as in cancer), are damaged (as in infection and inflammation) or are missing/misformed (as in congenital diseases). Our vision is to understand the molecular machinery that explains that changes in cells that cause disease in order to help treat them

We are investing in world-leading technology that can let us peer inside every cell of the human body to understand what makes us tick, and what goes wrong in disease. These technologies include single cell gene expression, genome sequencing, and cell lineage tracing. We are also international leaders in the computational biology needed to tackle big data.
Oz Single Cell 2025
Welcome to the 8th Oz Single Cell Conference 2025!
Date: May 21–23, 2025
Location: University of New South Wales Roundhouse, Sydney, Australia
Don't miss this in-person event featuring exceptional international and national speakers!

International Speakers
National Speakers

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, work and gather.
We pay our respects to their Elders both past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians who have made a contribution to the life of the community.
# Image courtesy of Lachlan Whitehead and Leigh Coultas, Walter + Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research